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Barista Advanced (Professional) Bachelor Seminar, August 2019

I went to Goran Huber's Coffee Institute in Innsbruck for a third time to continue my Barista training. For four days everything revolved around the topic of coffee, from botany to workplace and hygiene. The training at Goran is very intensive and the four days passed quickly. I learned to classify green coffee and, together with the other participants, to roast over 30 different green coffees from all of the growing regions around the world and then to do the cupping. Each participant also roasted their own coffee and then these coffees were tasted and evaluated by everyone together and following that, we were able to create a personal blend. A detailed water analysis was also part of the training. Goran tested and trained our sensory abilities every day. Of course, a lot of coffee was prepared every day, whether as espresso, filter coffee, cold drip, or cold brew. So we were constantly challenged and at the end of each day went home satisfied but tired. On the fifth day, what had been learnt was tested in a 4-hour exam. Two hours of this were a written test, the other two hours were a practical exam. I passed the exam and can now call myself a Barista Advanced Bachelor.

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